Aleksander Wielki

Wszyscy otrzymujemy maile z różnymi mądrościami ludowymi czy z dowcipami. Zwykle ich nie puszczam dalej w obieg, bo czuję, że przyczynia się to do spamowania skrzynek mailowych. Ale tym razem pozwolę sobie przytoczyć maila otrzymanego od mojej kuzynki, która mieszka w New Jersey, USA. Jest to ponoć cytat z Aleksandra Wielkiego. Znajduję w nim wiele mądrości. Pozostawiłem go w języku angielskim, bo mam nadzieję, że nie będzie to stanowiło bariery dla kogokolwiek z Was.
The best equilibrium of any life is when the self worthis > (greater than) the Net worth.

On his death bed, Alexander summoned his generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:

1.            The best doctors should carry his coffin;

2.            The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, and precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery; and,

3.            His hands should be let loose, hanging outside the coffin for all to see!!

One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain.

Here is what Alexander the Great had to say:

1. I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that, in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal;

2. I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth, stays on earth…

3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the mostprecious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is TIME.

4. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time.

5. When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back. Our time is our life!

So my dear, the best present that you can give to your family and friends, is your TIME.  May God grant you plenty of TIME and may you have the wisdom to give it away so that you can LIVE and LOVE in peace.

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